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Our Next Free Zoom Open House Dates are: TBA
Intro by Katie Ramaci (Owner)
Designed to prepare individuals who are interested in helping themselves and others in a rewarding career as a Professional Certified Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist. Live demonstration, supervised practice and hands on experience makes this a truly exceptional course. Tuition includes: Training Manual, Scripts, over 220+ hours. All Inclusive. Six weekends to complete program.
Classes are monthly, always consecutive:
Fridays (6-9pm on Zoom), Saturdays (10-6pm), Sundays (10-6pm)
$1995 ppd. (Early Bird $1795)
Next Session Dates: 5/23/25--5/25/25, 6/20-6/22, 7/18-7/20, 8/15-8/17, 9/12-9/14, 10/17-10/19
Program offers a wide variety of holistic modalities designed to assist you in building a strong foundation to understand the nature of HOLISTIC MEDICINE. Six month course includes: study of energy body systems and how to address dis-ease holistically. Program utilizes/blends energy work, elemental healing, vibrational healing, hypnosis, kinesiology, intuitive development & more. Includes certification in Reiki I and II. CEU’s avail. Upon completion, students have well-rounded understanding and have experienced results in their own life.
Class meets one Sunday per month from 10-5 pm.
$850 (Early Bird - $777)
Current Session Dates: 1/19/2025, 2/23, 3/23, 5/11, 6/8, 7/13
Take your knowledge to the next level and become a Holistic Professional facilitating treatments with clients and/or teaching. Eight month program assists you in stepping into mastery utilizing more advanced tools and techniques in addition to expanding your talents exponentially. Learn how to build a professional practice, market your skills and put it all together. Certification as Reiki Master/Teacher, Multi-Dimensional Healing. CEU’s avail.
This program meets one Sunday per month for 8 months from 10-5 pm.
$1199 (Early Bird $1099)
Current Session Dates: 11/3, 12/8, 1/5/2025, 2/2, 3/2, 3/30, 4/27, 5/18
Next Start Date: 9/21/2025
Take your holistic profession and clients to a much deeper level of healing. This eight-month+ intensive program includes receiving Holy Fire III Reiki Attunements, working with inner child, shadow parts, sound healing, parts integration & much more. Prerequisite: Holistic Professional Certification. CEU’s available.
This program meets one Sunday per month from 11-5 pm plus one full weekend
$1495 (Early Bird $1395)
Next Start Date: 1/26/2025, 2/16, 3/14-3/16, 5/4, 6/1, 6/29
Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Cert, Holistic Professional Cert, or Instructor approval.
Level I
Come grow, explore and play with the Angels! This intensive and extensive course is for all who desire a greater connection with Angels, to enhance your healing abilities, expand your messaging / intuitive skills, to improve your life, and achieve more joy. This unique and powerful program provides an opportunity to deeply connect to the Divine via hands-on practice, various guest lecturers, establishes a healing foundation and much more.
This program meets one Sunday a month for 8 months from 11-5pm.
$1099 (Early Bird $999)
Current Session Dates: 9/15, 10/13, 11/10, 12/15, 1/12/2025, 2/22, 3/9, 4/13
Next Start Date: 9/20/2025
Level II
Expand your connection to the Angels by learning IET levels 2 & 3 Certification. Truly move forward on your path. Learn Soul Star Activation and release resistance to living your souls purpose. In this intensive six-month course develop your tools with cards, pendulums, crystals, etc. Expand your messaging & channeling skills, integrate the Angelic Rays and more. Prerequisite: Angel Alignment Level 1.
This program meets one Saturday per month for 6 months from 10-5 pm.
$1099 (Early Bird $999)
Current Session Dates: 8/31, 9/28, 11/9, 12/14, 1/18/2025, 2/15
Join me in this five month course all you animal lovers, for an exciting opportunity to delve into the incredible world of animal communication. Lets blend our energies together, enhance our abilities and animal communication skills as our animals assist us to understand them better. We will learn and communicate with each class, opening ourselves up to hear their voices and different exercises to become one with our animals and learn their needs, wants and yes, even their suggestions! We will learn how to open up the lines of communication, speak to my animal teachers, speak with animals living and in spirit, talk to an animals higher self, learn how to find lost animals, and do mini readings with other students. Bring pictures of your animals, living and in spirit. All levels are welcome. Our animals need us and are counting on us!
This program meets one Saturday per month for 5 months from 11-4 pm.
$600 (Early Bird $500)
Next Session Dates: 6/14/2025, 7/12, 8/2, 8/23, 9/27
In my School of Animal Communication - Level Two, we will do more advanced work communicating with animals, building on what was taught in my Level One School and so much more! This intensive five-session program is ideal for holistic practitioners, veterinarians, animal massage therapists, animal Reiki practitioners and those who work with and love animals. Upon completion of the five month program, students will receive a certificate of completion.
This program meets one Sunday per month for 5 months from 11- 4pm.
$600 (Early Bird $500)
Next Start Date:TBA
In my School of Animal Communication, Level Three: students will use advanced tools and techniques in guiding other students while honing their skills, visit and communicate at an animal sanctuary or wild animal rescue, do guest phone animal communication readings, have an individual evaluation session to assess progress, with suggestions for going forward, and so much more. There is a focus on perfecting advanced skills and giving back to our critters. Prerequisite: School of Animal Communication Level One and Two.
This program meets one Sunday a month for 5 months from 11-4pm.
Bring pictures of your critters, living and in Spirit.
$600. (Early bird $500)
Next Start Date: TBA
Akisni means Recovered; Tap into the Universal Life force called the Tanku Skan-Skan for this all-Inclusive Tom Frederick Akisni Oyateki™ Method of Healing. You will be taught and Initiated into all Levels 1-5 of this exciting Shamanic healing modality over 8 months, Classes meet, once a month on Saturdays From 12pm-5pm. Developed by Chief Wunnanumwau Tom Frederick of the Chappiquiddic Pokanoket Allied Federation of Tribes New England, and his extensive Shamanic experience, which he learned from Native Elders and by incorporating Nursing Standard Practices of Wound and Skin Care. Tom created This One-of-a-Kind Healing Modality. Learn to work with the Electric Body by identifying key core issues that are responsible for disease, imbalance, and more. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced Healing Practitioner this healing program is a great Modality to enhance any Practice. This course includes demonstration and hands-on experience leading to Certification offered by OMC Ministries as a Professional Certified Akisni Oyateki Healing Practitioner.
This program meets one Saturday a month for 8 months from 11-5pm.
$1400 (Early Bird $1300)
School of Earth Medicine Akisni Integrations Level 2
$1400 (Early Bird $1300)
Next Start Date: 1/11/2025, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10, 6/14, 7/12, 8/9
A Comprehensive course of study, focused on the various approaches & applications of connecting with Earth Spirit. Through the use of divination, as practiced by many world Indigenous Shamans. Terramancy101 Classes are Held one Sunday a month, January thru August. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Terramancy 101 Summary
Begins with Introduction, The ancient art of Divination; Practical Use and application.
Some examples that you will Lean Crystal gazing, Herbal Divination, Tea leaf Readings Element Readings, The Art of Card Reading and more. Cost: $1120
Next Session Dates: TBA
But why end there? An option for you to continue your learning in Terramnancy202 That Resumes in January thru August the following year. You decide.
Terramancy 202 Summary
Continues and expounds on the techniques and skills learned and continues the student to the advance practices of Light Reading, Sigil/Runes reading and animal medicine, divination to name a few. Prerequisite; Must have Terramancy101 Training. Cost: $1120
Herbal Alchemy:
The Study of Plant Spirit Medicine
This class series focuses on the preparation and creation of home remedies, compounds, tinctures, ointments and oral suspensions for the treatments of common ailments. Here we will discuss the various preparation techniques, usage and contraindictions by using everyday products and herbs found in nature and in our own home. Each class we will create a treatment remedy Join us for this fun and education hands-on experience as we learn the ancient Native American art of Plant Spirit Communication
$1300 ppd. (Early Bird $1200)
Next Start Date: 1/12/25, 2/9, 3/9, 4/13, 5/10, 6/14 7/13, 8/10
Imagine being able to feel the touch of a loved one passed, or hear their voice, or feel their personality. Imagine being able to help others know that their loved one is not gone. Through different exercises each class we will establish a link to the Spirit World and learn to bring forth the information that not only describes the Spirit communicator, but lets the sitter know that their loved one is still in their life and cares about what you are doing. Mediumship allows us to know that our loved one is not gone and has not died. With trust in Divine love, this can be accomplished.
This program meets one Saturday per month for 8 months from 11-4pm.
$1200 ppd. (Early Bird $1100)
Current Session Dates: 10/5, 12/7, 1/4/2025, 2/1, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3, 6/7
Next Start Date: 10/4/2025
Are you ready to become a professional medium and meet the criteria that would be required of you, ethical and practical? Are you ready to work with the public and meet the needs of all of your clients? This course will cover what will be asked of you to be on the top of your game to serve spirit and help those in need.
1. Ethics of service: What does the client need and what is your responsibilities?
2. Private clients: A client comes for reading, what now? Which offer the client and how to determine their needs.
3. Platform work: Platform Decorum.
4. Demonstrations & Marketing: We are all nervous before for the demonstration, how to calm your nerves, possible meditations and techniques to help you present the information as clearly as possible. How to keep the vibration high, how to market your events and make it attractive for people to come.
This program meets one Saturday a month for 4 months from 11-4pm.
$600 ppd. (Early Bird $550)
Current Session Dates: 1/18/2025, 2/22, 3/22, 4/19
You’ve completed the School of Mediumship and the Advanced School of Mediumship (or a close facsimile). Now if you are ready to really get pushed hard, if you're ready to reach out to Spirit without fear and reach for levels that you haven’t reached before, then this is the class for you. Each class will consist of exercises to reach the Higher Realms. And when you think you can’t go any higher I will come along and give you that push, teach you to trust what you're getting and deliver it without fear. We will work on giving a good quality message, reaching for details so that the sitter feels complete after receiving it. If you're ready, this is your class!
This program meets one Saturday a month for 4 month from 11-4pm.
$600 ppd. (Early Bird $550)
Next Session Dates: 9/20/25, 10/11, 11/15, 12/13
In this 8-month course, you will learn the basic foundations of creating a Wiccan life. Come explore this spiritual path learning more about nature, energy, magick and yourself. On your spiritual journey you will discover the natural cycles of the earth, known as the Wheel of the Year, which can help you to become more in tune with nature and your own life cycle. Through this journey you will learn about different types of natural, magickal practices. Classes will include energy work, hands-on activities, guest teachers and more. Immerse yourself in the magick all around you as you discover your path.
This program meets one Sunday a month for 8 months from 12-5 pm.
$1195 ppd. (Early Bird $1095)
Next Start Date: 1/26/2025, 2/23, 3/23, 4/27, 5/25, 6/29, 7/27, 8/24
In this course we turn theory into practice. With this hands-on approach to the Craft, this course takes the foundational knowledge you have learned and turns it into a functional experience. This 6-month course is custom-made for those who want to dedicate their life to the practice and study of Wicca.
This program meets one Saturday a month for 8 months from 11-5pm.
$897 ppd. (Early Bird $847)
*Class is limited to 10 students.*
Next Start Date: TBA
Astrology is an ancient art that studies the movements and positions of stars and planets, the aspects between them and the relationships they form. Knowing these relationships enables us to interpret the tendencies, strengths and weaknesses of a particular person or event.
The more we understand ourselves the more we can tap into our own hidden talents. We can use this information to help actualize our dreams, for guidance and healing, or to avoid or overcome obstacles more easily once we know where to find these challenges. To better tap into our unique energetic patterns and put it to its best use, we need to know where to locate it. The snapshot of the sky at the time of our birth is called a natal chart, and it is unique to each of us. In this class you will learn about the signs, the planets that rule them and the houses they occupy, as well as the aspects between these planets and how to interpret their meanings.
Join me in this fun adventure of unfolding the many layers that help make you, you!
This program meets one Saturday a month for 8 months from 11am-4pm
$1000 (Early Bird $950)
Next SessION Dates: 5/31, 6/21, 7/26, 8/23, TBA
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